Monday, July 09, 2007

Michael Moore spanks Wolf Blitzer

Michael Moore drops Wolf Blitzer's drawers and spanks his bottom blue on CNN's The Situation Room.

It's pretty rare that the mainstream media can surprise me these days, but this interview did the trick. I actually don't even bother with CNN much, but I like to tune in to see Jack Cafferty shaking his fist at congress and shouting "Get off my lawn!" now and then. It was tuning in early to see that today when I got an eye and ear full of this awesome Michael Moore interview. It was preceded by a hit piece questioning the integrity of Moore's new film SiCKO and obviously Moore was watching as it aired because as soon as they went to him, he proceded to rip Wolf Blitzer, CNN and the mainstream news in general a new one. I have to hand it to Moore here, because what he did was channel and control his anger and emotion like a maestro, making his points and taking ground as fast as Blitzer gave it up in his hasty retreating. If a politician could pull off this kind of honest emotional outburst without sounding absolutely crazy, they would be unstobbable. Moore lambasted CNN on their supposed 'facts' regarding U.S. healthcare and when Wolf tried to play the Sanjay Gupta card, Moore took that and turned it against him, steering the conversation to CNN's complicity in getting us into the Iraq War. At one point the interview was even reminicent of the classic movie 'Network' as Michael Moore wondered aloud when the American People would tire of the lies and bullshit the mainstream media pushes and simply turn off their TV's... I was waiting for him to shout "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!". He even demanded an appology to him personally and to the American People for all the bullshit spin CNN put on his previous movie Farenheight 911 because for the most part the things he said in that movie have all been proven true. Overall it was a great interview, at the end I could almost hear the collective sigh as the DailyKos crowd orgasmed in unison.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of Michael Moore or Wolf Blitzer. Moore is IMO what can be termed a Left Gatekeeper... in that he will gladly dole out information, but only as long as it serves his own political agenda and withholds anything that is potentially damaging to his personal worldview. This is quite apparent in his film SiCKO where he truthfully tells about all the awfulness in the U.S. health care system but then offers a solution that the government take it over... apparently ignoring the fact that it's the government itself which fouled the system up in the first place and the government which is behind such incredibly successful projects as the war on drugs. Blitzer on the other hand plays the same game from the other end of the scale. He's a neocon mouthpiece and holds back information that is damaging to that agenda unless it becomes too obvious. Check out Wolf's wikipedia page, he's the quinticential Israel Firster who puts the intersts of the United States second and Truth in Reporting a distant third and has one main goal and that is to control the flow of information. Probably Blitzer is the more dangerous of the pair, because as a consumate liar, he is able to come off as neutral and even reasonable - unless of course you do your own fact checking.

Anyhow, good interview, well worth watching. I'll tack on the transcript and video as they become available.

Torrent downloads for the movie SiCKO here.

As promised, here's the video... as for the transcript, CNN is running three days behind on those, if you can believe it.


Anonymous said...

I'm no fan of Blitzer either but come on, he is no neo-con.... and nothing I read on your wiki link convinces me otherwise.

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