9/11 detailed flight info released to National Security Archive

As part of a Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request, the National Security Archive has obtained from the NTSB, and released, detailed information on the doomed flights of 9/11.
A quote from their release notes:
Washington, DC - August 11, 2006 - The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) this week released full transcripts of the air traffic control recordings from the four flights hijacked on September 11, 2001, and meticulous Flight Path Studies for three of the flights, in response to a Freedom of Information request by the National Security Archive. The studies provide the most detailed technical information available to date related to the hijackings, and the transcripts of the aircraft-to-ground communications are the first complete government disclosure of each flight's air traffic control recordings.
Included in the report, in PDF format are files which contain transcripts of Air Traffic Control Recordings for all of the flights. Files here: American Airlines Flight 11, American Airlines Flight 77, United Airlines Flight 175, United Airlines Flight 93
Also included is a Specialist's Factual Report of Investigation-Digital Flight Data Recorder for United Airlines Flight 93
And detailed flight path studies, with reconstructed maps of American Airlines Flight 11, American Airlines Flight 77, and United Airlines Flight 175.
While a reconstructed map of the path of United Flight 93 is conspiculously absent, the detailed specialists report provides a wealth of information on that particular flight.
All this should give conspiracy theorists a lot of data to pour over. Keeping in the source of this information, the NTSB is a government agency, the documents may have been "sanitized", however proof of that alone would indicate evidence of a coverup.
Coming on the heels of the 9/11 NORAD tapes being released to Vanity Fair and reports that the 9/11 comission found a coverup at the Pentagon one might speculate that certain parties "in the know" appear to be running for cover as the dam breaks on this entire 9/11 scandal and the truth starts pouring out. The camel's back may be breaking. Even Lou Dobbs is calling for a new 9/11 investigation.
I will post a detailed analysis of these documents after studying them. After just a brief perusal I can say right off the bat that from the transcripts of Flight 93 that there is a smoking gun here in that when the alleged "takeover" happened the flight was at 35000 feet and I quote "three-five-zero" which more than one study and test has already conclusively proven that in 2001 was WELL beyond the possibility of any cell phone calls being made. See this Wiki for reference to this fact here.
The worm is turning people, the truth will come out and those who perpetrated this treason will pay.
9/11 was false flag operation, a self-inflicted wound, an inside job.
Never forgive, never forget.
The US government will try to cover up the 9/11 drama till everyone who was affected by it forget about their loss. Governments have used these tactics before and they will use this now for sure. 9/11 was used to get into Afghanistan so they could get into Iraq and then into Lebanon ( <- which they haven't till now) all this just so that the Jews can once again populate the land from which they were forced out in the past.
would anonymous care to support his statement? whichever way one feels about this post, the accepted convention for even slight credibility goes "insult-comma-supporting evidence/reason for your conclusion", without giving any backup u might as well not say anything or admit you have nothing tangible to disprove the post...
"CNN, aka the American propaganda machine"
You mean Fox News right?
i've seen a video with this same info about the flight path of flight 77.
it's hard to understand why the plane did not just turn left (on the pic) instead of doing a complete 360 degree turn to fly into washington and hit the pentagon, i understand that they had very low level piloting skills and that it was a very unusual day for all involved, but you would think that they (the hijackers) would have wanted (out of neccesity) to get the plane to their prosective target in the shortest amount of time possible? very odd, esspecially when prior to 9/11 NORAD intercepted hijacked planes some 657 times and failed 4 consecutives times that horrible day.
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